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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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pooley wrote:
I'll admit my hypocrisy if you admit yours. What I am saying is that there are children being forced into working at cannabis farms. None of you have mentioned them. No one.

Why is that? Is it because you have no intention of changing the way you buy it. Do a gruffly, source it ethically.

But you won't, because your brand of caring seems to stop when it affects you in any way.

I hadn't read that before I got the iPad. It is a luxury item I can do with out. Would I have bought it after reading that. Honestly?. No

Will you still continue to buy cannabis sourced from god knows wherecaftercreading the BBC report? I'm sure you will. And you will continue to delude yourself that because you care it absolves you from responsibility ( see eaves thread)

Say again. There are trafficked children preparing your cannabis. What will you do about it?

My guess? Fuck all

You should really take a step back from this and listen to what you're saying. You're essentially casting a generalised accusation at the users of this forum despite having absolutely no evidence that it's based in fact.

I don't know how many of us here are pot smokers, but I'm pretty certain it's not universal. Perhaps a majority? I don't know, and neither do you.

Of those who have openly admitted to using cannabis, the majority have stated they are aware of the provenance of their weed and vouch for it not being a product of child labour.

It's also worth pointing out this is an international forum and that news item is UK-specific. Which is not to say it doesn't happen elsewhere, but you're casting aspersions far wider than the evidence presented warrants.

On top of that, there is absolutely nothing in the article you linked to that lets us know how widespread this practice is. The police claim that some of the cannabis in the UK is grown by people traffickers and using child labour. Is it 1%, 10%, 99%? If it's a low number (which I suspect it is, but that's merely speculation based on my own knowledge of the cannabis world) then there's every chance that nobody here has actually contributed to the problem you're highlighting.

Yet you are rather shrilly crying "hypocrite" from the iPad which -- as it's been demonstrated -- is hardly the most ethically-sourced of products.

And again, I'm not pointing a finger at you specifically; merely highlighting the fact that profit-driven consumerism is the root problem here, not pot smoking, iPad use or any other specific act of consumption.

I'd also like to reiterate my point about the essential believability of the article. The police, just like the mainstream media, tend not to be the most reliable of sources when it comes to the issue of drug prohibition. I'm not saying that this phenomenon of child-labour doesn't exist in the cannabis trade, merely that whatever level it's happening at is guaranteed to be greatly exaggerated by the police (as anyone whose ever analysed their "estimated street value" statements will know).

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Posted by grufty jim
19th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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