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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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It's difficult to be sure that everything in a modern life hasn't been tainted by someone's abuse of another human being. Actually, it's a probability that at some point your possessions or food or entertainment cost someone something vital... their lives, even.

But you sit there smug in your apathetic little corner of invulnerability and judge those who fully admit that they don't always succeed in living their creed? That's lame. At least they have achieved a consciousness regarding the consequences of their purchases.

It's easier to mock people who give a shit than to actually give a shit, I know, but do try to extend some respect to those who at least recognize that they might be compromising a higher principle.

Your 'gotcha' just exposes the real purpose of your original post, which was to specifically attack pot smokers as being hypocrites. Obviously you really don't give a rats ass about the sweatshop workers at all... they're just a prop in your rather weak assault.

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Posted by handofdave
19th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (pooley)

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