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Re: Public Sector Workers - Reality Check
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geoffrey_prime wrote:
Amazing this rush to you think I'm liveing the life of riley..and earning a fortune..or something? Incredible how polarised political views are on this board.. which is increasingly becoming a niche for just far-left-wing biased comment. I'll still tune in for the music-related info..and the "general" stuff..but's like a broken fucking record.

The only broken record is you with your trolling smart arse rightwing comments, if you really think that it's a good thing public sector workers deserve to lose pension rights and more you really are a tosser, you also don't seem to know the difference between ''far -left wing-biase'' and common decency and good sense.

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Posted by machineryelf
28th June 2010ce

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Re: Public Sector Workers - Reality Check (geoffrey_prime)

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