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Re: Videos - made inside Stonehenge
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nigelswift wrote:
Resonox wrote:
I won't assume from the original post that this singer has done any real in-depth research....

Well here's a picture from the front of the video.[...].channel&ContributorID=4701584

(What was that about respecting it 'cos it was a sacred site? )


Well I played devils advocate and gave her the benefit of the doubt but if that is Maethelyiah leaning against a white Rolls Royce just outside Stonehenge then I'm afraid she's blotted her copybook somewhat and I no longer defend her. Anyone who knows me will know what I think about big flash cars and the people who drive them. It hardly seems 'in tune' with the statement in the original link about her respecting the sacredness which many people attribute to Stonehenge as a ancient site.

PS: I don't imagine the car is hers, probably hired but I am surprised if EH let them take it so close to SH.

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Posted by tjj
13th May 2010ce

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Re: Videos - made inside Stonehenge (nigelswift)

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