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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ?
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faerygirl wrote:
tiompan wrote:
faerygirl wrote:
But the land between Scotland and Ireland was above sea level during the Iceage, and there are partial stone circles on some scottish islands where the rest is (supposedly) in the sea.

No stone circles that we know date from ice or earlier , the land rose higher than subsequent ice melt sea levels except in a few places ,Orkney is one , where there are some possible early monuments under sea water .Can only think of the coastal stone circles of Brittany which are under water .Are there Scottish ones ?

I'm mostly guessing, but there are cicles (Bernera Bridge Circle?) which sure LOOK like there used to be more of it, and some islands were connected.
Surely lots of the ages on these things are guesses anyway?! How is most of it estimated? Based on other variables around the site?

Bernera Bridge stones are about 45 feet above the loch , if there were any other stones , and there is no evidence for them they wouldn't have been lost to water levels rising . We can only date from rc dating any finds associated with the monumnet or estimate in relation to typology. No stone circle has survived from pre Holocene ,if there ever were any and we have no reason to believe there were . Those monuments like standing stones that have no dating associations or estimates from typology may as well be 17 th C or 21 st C as Bronze Age . There have been major changes in our knowledge of the age of monuments ,a good scottish example are the Clava cairns , once believed to be Neolithic we now they were much later .

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Posted by tiompan
9th January 2010ce

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Re: Time Team R.I.P. ? (faerygirl)

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