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The Timoney Stones
Re: Multiple alignments.
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TheStandingStone wrote:
Ive had a look at it and it seems pretty accurate although I couldn't distinguish between the removed stones symbol and those still standing so I may go and look at the book. I marked in the alignments that I spotted last week. The bottom field in the diagram is too overgrown to get into and there are still others to spot. There's just too many for one trip. I also marked in the circle at Cullaun (which is pretty obvious anyway) but only 5 of these stones are left. I also marked in a possible stone circle at Timoney. I couldn't get too close to this because of cattle but in the diagram it is roughly circular.

Here's the link.

It's a shame the northing is not to be trusted , but it at least gives some indication of relationships .

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Posted by tiompan
11th October 2009ce

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Re: Multiple alignments. (TheStandingStone)

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Re: Multiple alignments. (bawn79)

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