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The Timoney Stones
Re: Multiple alignments.
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TheStandingStone wrote:
That would be great. Unfortunately I don't have a GPS at the moment but a plan would certainly help. I don't think a proper survey has been done of these in recent years (if at all!). I was quite unprepared for what I found so I think another visit is order and this time I will begin to plot the site out (cattle permitting). Time to get a GPS!

If anybody else wants to see if they can help unravel this place then let me's a big place to plot on your own...

Sdaly GE is in poor resolution for the area and I think it worth mentioning that GPS should only be treated as a guide ,the closer the stones are to another the less likely that the orientation will be accurate .

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Posted by tiompan
5th October 2009ce

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Re: Multiple alignments. (TheStandingStone)

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