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Re: Irish Meet-up 2009
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Great day, absolutely bolloxed at the end of it.

There was a point on top of Knockadoon in one of the many torrents that I wondered what the f... I was doin' here. It happened again at the small lake when we were being told about the bog oak being part of the roof for a neolithic sauna that was used by an army of thousands. I wondered who was crazier: him for coming out with that stuff, or me for listening.

Loved the cashels, loved the wrecked circles O and P, loved the mad looking bullaun and loved the calm calves at Grange, chewing the cud in the sunshine.

Thanks Derek

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Posted by ryaner
6th July 2009ce

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Re: Irish Meet-up 2009 (bawn79)

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Re: Irish Meet-up 2009 (bawn79)

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