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Re: I'm sorry
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head-first wrote:
Peterborough MP Stewart Jackson has confirmed the Telegraph's report that he had made a claim of £304.10 for the upkeep of a swimming pool.

The thing Jackson is too witless to realise is that there's no way anything he can say can make it look reasonable.

As soon as people see words like 'swimming pool', 'tennis court', 'chandelier' and - my favourite - 'moat' it says 'vast luxury like you and everyone you know never get', and there's nothing that can convince us it can be 'reasonable' for us to be paying anything towards it.

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Posted by Merrick
13th May 2009ce

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Re: I'm sorry (head-first)

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Re: I'm sorry (head-first)
Re: I'm sorry (sanshee)

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