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Silbury Hill
Re: Silbury Hill
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No, no, conceptual art isn't like that at all! (And it should be capitalised). Who said anything about adding stuff, or indeed even altering, burial mounds in any way? It's somewhere between recognising and describing the things that is the act of art. Before they're a bit of someone's moor and after they're an ancient sarcophagus (or whatever) - that's the fine art. I construct them by describing them. It's my drystone walling that must end, or has ended, because of injury. And anyway if I tried it this year the keepers would probably try to kill me - I've had a couple of threats through the winter already. And you have to be under fifty for the Turner Prize - which doesn't have a connection with JMW Turner. I've got some 8mm film, in the can, of these found monuments. Also a needs-renovating 16mm camera and seven reels of fresh antique film. And the very last coherent - but unreleased - track that Sid Barrett recorded. (I've made some words for it). Put them all together and what do you get? (Chaos!)

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Posted by Stoneshifter
8th March 2009ce

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Re: Silbury Hill (nigelswift)

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Re: Silbury Hill (nigelswift)
Re: Silbury Hill (thesweetcheat)

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