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Re: our racist prince
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stray wrote:
No, thats not what I'm saying at all. Learn to read.

Edit : However, if you seriously think an entire forum disagrees with you then maybe it is time to stop posting there.

The rudeness of that reply tells me all i need to know about you.

If an entire forum disagrees with you, argue your point and then shut up. If you are bullying someone with the hope that they will leave your forum for not agreeing with you, you don't have that much faith in your beliefs.
if you have to resort to name calling and put downs because someone doesn't agree with your point of view, you do not have much faith in your point of view.
if you can not listen to some one who disagrees with your world view, you aint got much of a world view.

learn to communicate properly.

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Posted by pooley
19th January 2009ce

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Re: our racist prince (stray)

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Re: our racist prince (stray)

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