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Re: Ireland's Stonehenge - new imagery
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FourWinds wrote:
tiompa wrote:
Quite common to have the name cairn/carn for the summit rather than the actual wee cairn on the summit .

Not when you're talking about something being visible. You wouldn't say that you can stand on the sea front at Strand in Sligo and be able to see Maeve's Cairn just because you can see Knocknarea.

The name on Mountain Views is misleading and I'm surprised at them - they're usually so good. A few hillwalkers might call it Clermont Carn Mountain, but its proper name is Black Mountain. As Lord Clermont was an interfering busy-body antquarian who really shouldn't be immortalised in anyway whatsoever I wish people would come up with a better name for the cairn.

It's earlier name is Carnán Mhaighréid Náir which predates the english Black mountain . Carn / Cairn as well as meaning a pile of stones means a rocky summit . Looking at the 54 highest summits in the Cairngorms 19 have the name carn/cairn / chairn .
The cairn in question could never be seen from the site anyway as it is on the wrong (east )side of the hill .

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Posted by tiompan
13th December 2008ce

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