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Re: Avebury
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"intentionality" is of course the keyword, all we are left with at this time are a disparate set of monuments, with different time zones, the Sanctuary sits near the Ridgeway, making it 'convenient' for those travelling along.. the stones presumed to be leading from it, joining it to the WK Avenue are no longer there (did'nt Isobel Smith plot them somehow). These stones could have been the first avenue to the 'cove/circle' that no longer exists....
I suspect that if more work was done on Stanton Drew Stone circles and Cove more answers would come to light... perhaps SD was an imitation of Avebury, the part of the pattern that is missing at SD are barrows for sightings......

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Posted by moss
11th December 2008ce

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Re: Avebury (tiompan)

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