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Re: Seen something similar near Avebury?
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fitzcoraldo wrote:
Howdo Mr E.
It's an intriguing looking stone, my first impression was of a field clearance with the stone bearing plough scars, however the basin looks interesting although it could be that this area was below the reach of the plough. Hard to tell but it's worth dropping your local archaeologist a line.

I have a copy of Derbishires 1872 excavation report of the axe preparation site at Ehenside Tarn that I could send you, it includes an illustration of a grinding stone. Unfortunately I have lost your address, if you drop me a line to my name at hotmail dot com I fire it off to you along with another nice paper on shap.


Thanks, I'll drop you a line in the near future. Bear with me, as my mind's elsewhere - we've got the house on the market at the moment, and are looking for a house. Somewhere around Kendal to Staveley is favourite at the moment.


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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
25th June 2008ce

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