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Re: To the Heart of the Matter
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Littlestone wrote:
Abide by it, or go away. Simple as.

Quite, to which I would add, as I mentioned to tuesday above, and to which I now direct to you -

"Without reading each and every one of your posts to be certain I can't actually recall you making any informative contributions to this thread - correct me if I'm wrong. If you do decide to contribute something informative in the future I'm sure we'll all be interested to hear what you have to say. Meanwhile, please try to keep on topic."

Now, do you think you too can do that Paulus? Only an informative on topic reply will suffice - if that's not possible perhaps you would do us all the courtesy of leaving this Forum and posting elsewhere.

Thank you.


Of course I can do that Littleone. It'd be nice if you could do it as well. I don't need an echo from someone of lesser worth. Of course, if you think it's OK to NOT reprimand someone calling Pete (or anyone for that matter) a "twat", it would of course be right to be able to call you (or anyone else for that matter) a "cunt". Wouldn't it? What are you trying to score points with here LittleOne? Why not add someonthing worthwhile to the site itself, instead of a few church bricks. Go on - surprise yourself!

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Posted by Paulus
4th December 2007ce

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To the Heart of the Matter (Littlestone)

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Re: To the Heart of the Matter (Littlestone)

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