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Silbury Hill
Re: Updates????
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goffik wrote:
Pete G wrote:
On a photography forum I have been on for years there is quite a lot of decent discussion about Silbury with none of the bickering found on this one. (lots of photos too)

Yeah, but I bet they know little of it's history and of EH's history of neglect and mishandling of the situation, just that "it looks nice in a certain light". ;o)

And I bet they bicker about other things. Like the size of a lens, or the right filter to use. It's all relative.

Pete G wrote:
No doubt EH will release details when it has been analysed properly.

We'll see. Be nice to hear something.

G x

And Goof:

"Please keep on topic, and remember what the Eds said on a related thread earlier -

goffik wrote:
...EVERYONE should think very carefully about what they say. Keep it as a discussion of issues affecting Silbury, not a chance to score points and goad people who hold a different view.

We are watching.

TMA Eds*

Any chance you could do the same?

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Posted by Paulus
4th December 2007ce

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Re: Updates???? (goffik)

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Re: Updates???? (goffik)

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