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Silbury Hill
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well if you read the updates you'll know that EH left the site on 14th Nov.
From here on it is an engineering/conservation project to remove ALL foreign material and backfill with chalk.
What is there to say in an update?
"We took another metal support out today and filled the void with chalk" X80

On a photography forum I have been on for years there is quite a lot of decent discussion about Silbury with none of the bickering found on this one. (lots of photos too)
No one here seems to have noticed that a Tooth was found on the last day of excavations, elsewhere this is being discussed with interest.
Is it from King Zil or from a miner from the 1960's or is it just an animals....
No doubt EH will release details when it has been analysed properly.


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Pete G
Posted by Pete G
3rd December 2007ce

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Re: Keep On Topic (goffik)

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Re: Updates???? (Squid Tempest)
Re: Updates???? (goffik)

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