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Re: NT Press release. Solstice @ Avebury
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"the witch hunting that has gone on against 'Glastonbury' type people, travellers, gypsies and now Pagan communities around Wiltshire is pathetic"

I'm trying to see it from both angles... on the one hand, I wouldn't be best pleased if some scary drunk bloke in retro-gear was hollering outside my house at 3.00am. On the other hand, how many people now live there who bought their house without being fully aware that might happen occasionally?

Some of the parish council chatter reminds me of the eclipse in Cornwall. Tens of thousands of gateways blocked with huge logs and stones because of an expected "mass invasion" by travellers. And my totally harmless kids pitching their tent in St Ives and getting visits from officials and a write up in the local paper about how they were the first of the invaders. I got the strong impression from the chat in the pubs that the locals actually enjoyed the feeling of communal crisis and it brought great excitement into their lives!

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Posted by nigelswift
28th April 2007ce

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