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Re: Avebury Perking 2007
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Pete G wrote:
"And who are you and these little villagers to lord it over the rest of the national and international community their right to overnight at a place so dear to them?"

It would help if the so called 'Pagan Community' could turn up at the right time.
They arrived a day early at Stonehenge this solstice and a day late at Avebury.

For Petes sake, as you well know, the '''right time''' is rather subjective, depending on your own particular beliefs. And if you were actually at Avebury at the time, you would have seen some there....

If the Red Lion closed down very few pseudo-Pagans would bother at all.

Some wouldnt, most would....

The Stakeholders are the NT, EH, Parish and local councils and UNESCO.

This is one of the things that irked me when I read the WHS management plan - thjere is no provision for people who actually USe or frequent the site. Surely these should have a say as well - it is a site of National importance...

Why should the Avebury villagers give in to a small minority who don't know what they doing?

Again, a subjective viewpoint. Do the villagers? Whjy should Avebury frequenters 'give-in' to a few villagers who are still trying to grind very worn-out axes of a historico-politico nature? Get over yourselves Councellors...

Oh, and by the way, the enforcement notice DOES NOT INCLUDE TENTS, SO.......

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Posted by nemeton
28th December 2006ce

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Avebury Perking 2007 (Pete G)

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