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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: Stonehenge views?
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Not to cash-strapped causes like Stonehenge....

I know you know, but its not cash-strapped its deliberately cash starved as the allocation to heritage has been unilaterally fixed at a low level and most people, truth to tell, approve.

The result, the appearance that we "can't afford" not to damage the view of Stonehenge is untrue, we can if we wanted to. Easily.

And even if we couldn't, we could find new ways of raising money for it if we really wanted. We got £21 billion out of selling the ether to mobile phone companies, selling nothing for loads merely because its said to be nationally owned. Damn good business. Fine, now lets sell advertising space on banknotes. That'd raise enough to finance heritage forever....

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Posted by nigelswift
31st August 2006ce

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