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"People don't seem to have worked out the parameters of good behaviour for these places yet."

I think that's the crux. The same people who let their kids climb on megaliths don't let them do the same on public statues.

So whose fault is this perception gap? Ours partly, and the education system for not stressing the cultural importance of prehistoric stuff. Mind you, a few more signs would help. No-one puts a toe on the lawn round Warwick Castle as they're requested not to every ten yards.

"We can't afford to put up a sign at every stone circle" whine the Quango. (For the cost of the Stonehenge Visitors Centre you could, £60,000 on each one, gold plated).

(You two are very grumpy. Me, I have senior passion.)

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Posted by nigelswift
10th July 2006ce

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Re: Rocks? (Littlestone)

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Re: Rocks? (Littlestone)
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