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Re: Imbolc
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Great you got some sun for the alignment.
Its good to know that these things span several days.

The thing about cross quarter days is that usually they're not when the calender says they are. Half way between equinoxes and solstices doesn't happen on the same day every year, and is usually a few days into the month.
This year Imbolc Feb 4th, Beltane May 5th, Lammas Aug 7th, Samhain Nov 7th.
So plenty of scope there to wait for the right weather : )

Have to say your photos remind me how beautiful Ireland is, I havn't been over for ten years or more and i'm thinking that's too long...

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Posted by Creyr
15th February 2006ce

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Re: Imbolc (CianMcLiam)

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