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Re: Encouraging responsible metal detecting
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"Second, your site is exemplary, but is an oasis. All those people, yet who else has a site that sets the standards that you recommend? Not even PAS, by a long chalk, they're frit!

You've done your bit, more than. What about everyone else in the hobby and the govt. department that's set up to liaise with it?"

There lies a conundrum - I have only been detecting for less than a year but as you know have spent a year prior to that finding out as much as possible as I wasnt happy originally that I could pursue the hobby unless I could "do it right". The website has been built because there wasnt any central website with warts and all information on it. It gets masses of hits so I think it was time well spent.

The problem I have in my area is I dont know many non recording detectorists. The ones I go out detecting with all record with the PAS and are open about this.

I do belong to a MD club however (this is my main link with the FLO) where less than 50% of the membership seem to have finds to show to the FLO - and it seems to me that sometimes she is there under sufferance

I believe that the NCMD should bring to the fore the recording mantra - its a one page well hidden away document stating they are for it - they are the voice of detecting and the ones who are present at government body meetings etc - and most clubs are affiliated to them.

I beleive one of the conditions to be an affiliated club should be recording of finds for all members.

what dya think?

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Posted by venicone
1st August 2005ce

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