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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: Edward Duke's Mundane System
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That's the one, by Alan Richardson. Not that I'm recommending it you understand. There seem to be a lot of planets in the solar system these days. Astrologists surely can't say that they don't count because the stars are a lot further away, and look at the effect they supposedly have. Still, last night did you see 'Coast' and the Severn Bore? I guess the moon and sun have quite an effect on our little planet. And what a strange sight for people living so far from the sea. It must have been begging for a good legend-style explanation.

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Posted by Rhiannon
30th July 2005ce

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Re: Edward Duke's Mundane System (Littlestone)

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Re: Edward Duke's Mundane System (Littlestone)

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