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Firstly thanks for the positive comments about the photos.......

To those who seem to be taking on the roles of mind police, let me put you straight; I am an amateur photographer and I operate a simple policy I take photographs of what I see, I objectively record a slice in time as it is presented.

It did not occur to me in the slightest that the candles (there is only one in the shot but there were others in the chambers) would cause so much distress to some of you!

If you feel so vehemently that lighting some candles on the Solstice is so devastating to the world heritage site of WKLB then may I suggest you go out and educate people about the affects of their actions, or perhaps you could write to English Heritage and ask them to surround the whole area in fencing as they did to Stone Henge in the eighties?

Seriously I cannot beleive you think that I am after kudos?? Duh if I were I'd send them into NatGeo or something.......

Oh "SmallBluePlanet" BTW HOW MANY IRREPLACABLE ANCIENT SITES OF WORLD INTEREST WAS THE MoD RESPONSIBLE IN BOMBING IN THE IRAQ WAR!! Hmmmmmm........ high explosives do a little more damage than a tealight me reckons!

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Posted by Dan Mills
26th June 2005ce

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Re: Avebury 2005 (doktoratomik)

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