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Re: Silbury Hill Protest 2005
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Someone mentioned rabbits <i>and</i> druids.

Which makes it sound as if we're both on the same side…

Speaking as a rabbit (which I so obviously am), I feel that it needs to be pointed out that have been protesting about the hole in this hill for a number of years now. It's not big enough for the new sports hall we're planning. We are at one with the spirits of the sacred mound, we live in it. We eat from it. We shit on it and we f*** on it. As the true guardians of Silbury, we are appalled that some humans believe it to be proper to impose their mono-speciesist religious viewpoint onto a structure which unarguably belongs to rabbitkind.

Any attempt by humans, be they druidic or not, to use self-perceived calenrical sanctity as a spurious reason to invade our sacred domain, shall be met with unstinting nibbling of the hemline, be it a be-trousered hemline, or a be-robed hemline.

Yours, typing with paws and saying what it aids no-one to say,

Pope Theoskeptik,


Disloyal Gwenhyfarrian Rabble

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Posted by PopeTheoskeptik
28th February 2005ce

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Re: Silbury Hill Protest 2005 (METALHEAD)

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