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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
rocket pictures......
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after a very enjoyable day it was decided that we would try and launch the rocket cam before darkness decended.after frantic assembly and furtive fumbles for batteries we had a pointy thing pointing in the correct direction(the sky !)..everything was connected and the little bulb on the control box glimmered bravely..5 4 3 2 1 ......................................nothing !!!!!!!!.........more poking n tweaking........5 4 3 2 1 fire !!!!!!!! WHOOSH and we had liftoff of a pointy thing(jimit.1)....gracefully climbing into the sky,pop,and the chute deployed and everything floated back to earth was at this point we discovered the instructions were fatally flawed as to camera activation so no picture :(.
after some corrective surgery and carefully installation of more ordanance we were ready for a second launch....whoosh and away went jimit1..straight as an arrow,chute deployed and down it came..success !!!!! we captured what appeared to be one whole picture:) this point the boy surfaced in me again and i quickly reloaded our mini missile and again it soared into the gathering gloom....and yet again it came safely down to mother earth and yes we now had 2 whole pictures :).
it was decided it was to dark after that so we packed up and headed off towards avebury,missile in tow :).
today ive begun converting a 2 meter r/c glider to electric power,this should give us more control of what we take pictures off,im hoping to try this in the very near future and will keep you updated

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Posted by third degree
13th December 2004ce

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Re: HeritageActionMan (Pete G)

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