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Stonehenge and its Environs
Re: call in ground force!
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But as you wickedly know, naughty Baz, widening out to stuff like hostipals & edufication isn't REALLY the issue - it's pretty much impossible to justify any public money being spent on anything other than 'real' stuff like that once you get down to it.

What we're (well, I'm) whinging about is that once the money's not being spent on life-saving/making stuff, it might as well be spent where it is REALLY needed. As far as I'm (we're?) concerned, the preservation of endangered sites is more important than re-jigging the arrangements at 'safe' sites - MASSIVELY desireable as that may be.



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Posted by Moth
16th September 2004ce

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Re: call in ground force! (baza)

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