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Dog 3000:

"we may be seeding the garden for whoever lives there after us."


"Maybe it is better if we destroy ourselves so that greater beings might inhabit the earth"

I suppose that's 'beyond' cynicism!!

I care about what we do to the Earth now, and what message i pass down to my children, or my friends.
In saying 'our garden' I was musing in metaphor, you can pick me up on that and say that it's not 'ours' and I would heartily agree, all the more reason to look after it rather than drain as many bucks out of it and help cause much misery in the process. Please don't presume my loathing of corporatism, greed, pollution, and exploitation is 'cynicism', if I wasn't at least optimistic that people are essentially 'good' at heart (even Anne Frank said as much) I wouldn't be so scathing about the things that can fuck us and the planet up, it would be complete nihilism. The fact that the sun continues to rise after I die makes me happy to see the sun rise every day. Wouldn't it be terrible if The Mom did her thing for us alone? That's a mindset with which I fight tooth and nail. The fact that my bones and flesh will help something grow and die, makes me happy. Life is beautiful like that. I cannot help feeling better about giving something than taking something. It's not a mawkish sentiment it's a real feeling of worth. We need to feel worthy and whole in a different way than being (materially/acquisitively) 'better' than our neighbour. I learned from my grandfather that you get out of the ground what you put in it. And I learned working in special needs education that it's the same with the human heart. As for me being 'more' cynical... Joni Mitchell sang 'they paved paradise and put up a parking lot'. Now they use her to records to sell Mercedes Benz. That's not me being cynical, that's me berating cynical people using real feelings to sell another product or destroy another beautiful place to maximise capital. Nothing can be further from the truth to call my anger at such cynicism...cynical!

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Posted by morfe
23rd September 2003ce

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Re: Philosophicus (Dog 3000)

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Re: Fuckitupus (Lawrence)

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