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Re: God the Capitalist
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There is no escape!

I understand completely that you are arguing the case against Christianity and Capitalism being linked. I understand also that you are wrong! The 'free' market,' setting 'free' of ungodly savages and introducing 'trading' to them (but this new trading, this is super trading where you can sell your whole life for dollars)

You can't measure a God by (his) words, they can't write. They don't exist. You measure a God by it's followers, they do exist, they also write things like the Bible. This is where I see people leading themselves by their collective noses and prodding the rest. The important thing is to realise the motivation behind this.

Patriarchy, Capitalism and Christianity are all wheels in the same machine, always will be. They deny a relationship with reality, they make their own reality and call it inevitable. That to me is as far away from 'spiritual' as can be. No Christians or Capitalists aren't all bad guys, that's far too simplistic. It's just their 'one way' is so self-serving throughout history. Christianity always had to find ways to survive in the current political climate, but it had/has more than it's fair share of dictating that very climate. If I had a label I suppose I would be a Pantheist, I believe the relationship between ourselves and our environment is precious, one and the same, and the further we reach away from it the less we learn about our connectivity/harmony, and the more we teach ourselves about conflict. Capitalism and competition is your case in point here. Competition is great in fun, but I believe a shite 'one solution' way to run our lives when it creates so much conflict and so many broken souls. Maybe the native americans were 'wrong', and 'evolution' had a 'competitive' white face attached to it. But that's like saying the Jews were wrong, and Hitler was as inevitable as 'natural selection'? Whether I buy that or whether I'm scared to buy it is immaterial, that I oppose it is not.

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Posted by morfe
22nd September 2003ce

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