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Re: War
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Thanks for the compliment. :-) Should move on to a new thread soon don't ya think? Pick what you think is the most interesting part of the many threads and post a new "discussion question" when you feel ready.

I read the anarchist article and was thoroughly unimpressed -- he talks about what "seems natural" but doesn't actually discuss what lessons we might draw from actually observing "nature."

As for Native Americans -- the tribes competed very hard against each other before (and after) "the white man" came. Nobody had to teach them about conflict. At any rate I was talking about humanity way before then, in the days before "language" and "civilization." I'm sure we were just like the apes -- competitive and status-driven. Which is basically the way it is now but with a more symbolic bent (shiny red Ferraris to attract the most desirable mate and so on.)

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Posted by Dog 3000
10th September 2003ce

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Re: War (morfe lux)

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Nature (morfe lux)

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