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Re: Yay?
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The thing is, what would we be trying to do - prove a point, make a mint, make a film, or what? So far as I’m concerned, if we could prove that a 10 ton stone could be moved really easily by just a few people it would be such a big deal and I’d be so pleased just to be there when it was done.

Wouldn’t the best thing be to try it on a limited scale first? If the stone was free and we could chat up the forestry commission or whoever to deliver us some de-barked logs or telegraph poles or whatever Gordon wants then there wouldn’t be much initial cost at all. If it worked, and we could show a film company or a uni archaeol department they’d be falling over themselves to buy into it and we could get all the extra timber we needed to try to set the stone upright. That way, we’d be in control and wouldn’t have to do it in the nude to increase the ratings…!

We might even be in a position to dictate financial terms, and Gordon would get a nice little profit.

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Posted by nigelswift
16th August 2003ce

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Re: Yay? (Moth)

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Re: Yay? (GordonP)

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